HTML Attributes
By Tony 2023.3.9 • Last updated 2024.1.25
Attributes are additional information added to a tag. They provide more information about the tag's class, id, title, style, function, and more depending on what the tag is. A tag can have multiple attributes that have different usages.
Here are some examples:
<a id="link" href=""
<img src="image.png" alt="image" width="100px" class="image">
<button title="Click me"
To give a tag an attribute, type the attribute's name first, then type the "=" sign, and type the value (information), of the attribute in between the "" symbols. Always put attributes in the opening tag and use spaces to seperate different attributes.
- "id" attribute gives the tag a unique id that no other tags can have
- "class" assigns the tag a class that other tags can also have
- "href" tells the broswer the destination of a link
- "style" lets us style the tag with CSS syntax directly in HTML
- "src" tells the broswer the source of an element
- "alt" is alternative text
- "width" is the width of the element
- "title" shows when user hovers over the element
- "onclick" runs JavaScript functions when the element is clicked
Here is the output of the code above:
Note: There isn't a JavaScript function, so nothing happens when the button's clicked.
Attributes make HTML tags even more powerful. By selecting a tag's id or class attribute, you can style the tag or run JavaScript code with it! And that's not all, there are hundreds of attributes for different tags and different usages. Attribute is a really important and powerful part of HTML5. Check our references for more interesting attributes and learn more 😄!