
Here are some of my not code related projects that I've worked on either at school in a team or at home by myself as a fun activity. They're sorted by the time they were finished.


A science project where I researched tardigrades.

School · Science · May 2020


A team science project on turbine efficiency.

School · Science · Jan 2021


A team science project on puddle splashing.

School · Science · Apr 2021


A survey/research on people's favorite food.

School · Science · Jun 2021


A team math project on the game insanity.

School · Math · Mar 2022


A team math project on consecutive sum.

School · Math · Apr 2022


A team science project on weight & friction.

School · Science · Apr 2022

YT Channel

My YouTube channel mainly on Rubik's Cubes.

Personal · Other · May 2022


A group presentation project on table manners.

School · Other · May 2022

Galaxy Builder

I carried my team making a solar system game.

School · Science · Dec 2022

The Power of Climate

A group science project on climate change PSA.

School · Science · Jan 2023

Project Green City

A team science project on designing a green city.

School · Science · Apr 2023

Balloon Car Project

My research on balloon cars for the science fair.

School · Science · Apr 2023

Fort Sumter Newspaper

A history project on Fort Sumter before Civil War.

School · History · May 2023

Civil War Amendments

History project explaining Civil War Amendments.

School · History · May 2023

Civil War Museum

A group history project on a Civil War museum.

School · History · May 2023

The Heroic Squirrel

An English assignment on writing a squirrel story.

School · English · Sep 2023

Cell Analogy

Website for an analogy between laptops & cells.

School · Science · Nov 2023