
Here's a short description about me, my contact info, and other interesting stuff if you want to reach out or learn more about me. You can also find this portfolio's information here.

Hi! My name is Tony and I'm 14 (8th grade) right now. I'm the founder of MacWeb, a front-end web developer, a quick math learner, and a science lover. I'm always looking forward to cooperate with other people and do something great together. As of computer programming, I know how to code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. I'm excited to share my works and projects with you, and I hope you'll be inspired and learn something from them. Let's do something amazing! I was born in Taipei, Taiwan in 2010. I lived there until 2022, when I was 11, and moved to Virginia, USA and lived here ever since. Here's me if I was a bulleted list:

Places I've been to:


Games that I play (don't judge me I'm not really a PC gaming person and I don't have any gaming consoles 😔):

Tech/Software that I use:

This website is my portfolio, or personal website, where I showcase and document my skills, projects, and experiences. I also put information and other stuff related to me here for you guys to know me better or contact me if you want to work with me. I hope you find this website interesting, and I'll continue to update it with new content in the future. See the update log here. Thanks!